MEGA2560 Clone - CH340G USB Type-B
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215 kr
Current price
215 kr
SKU 617936
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This is the customised modification of Arduino MEGA Rev3. The MEGA2560 CH340G USB Type-B board replaces the 16U2 with a CH340G Serial to USB converter. The board works lie Arduino MEGA2560 and has the same ATmega2560 microcontroller.
- Microcontroller: ATmega2560
- Clock Frequency: 16 MHz
- USB Interface: USB Type-B Female
- USB Serial Converter: CH340G
- Flash Memory: 256Kb (bootloader uses 8Kb)
- SRAM: 8Kb
- Recommended Input Voltage: 7V ~ 12V
- Input Voltage limit: 6V ~ 20V
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Digital I/O pins: 54 (including 15 PWM output)
- Analog Input Pins: 16
- DC Current for each I/O pin: 40mA
- DC Current for each 3.3V pin: 50mA
- Weight: 30 Grams
- Dimensions: 106.5mm x 53.5mm x 12.4mm | 10.65cm x 5.35cm x 1.24cm
Items Included
- MEGA2560 Clone - CH340 USB Type-B (1)